Past Projects:

On this page, you can browse through some of my past projects. Notice that a number of these projects may be of a multimedia format. If the content does not load for such content, then alternate text should display in its place. Of the media content included here, there are videos from the site, audio samples, and frames of YouTube videos I have created.

Websites and Soundscapes


As mentioned on my Bio page (link to it here), one of my favorite pastimes is the game of chess. In a previous CSE 125R course that I took for public speaking in the online domain, I had the opportunity to create a whole site about the game (created with WordPress and Elementor). Check it out here:

Music, the Future, and Accessibility:

  • In a previous writing course I took known as CAT3, we were tasked as a group of four to examine the intersection of music and future technology. Our group emphasized this intersection by music creators who are disabled or otherwise more physically limited, and created a site about it here: Music and Tech. (Also note that credits are provided on that site for the soundscape.)
  • Also available on this linked site is a soundscape that I and one other member co-created from other music clips, emphasizing those created by the physically disabled, and those who used novel technologies to create their sounds.
    Have a listen here:

COVID began to take its toll here in the US during my second quarter at UCSD. In CAT 3, I was also tasked with self-creating a soundscape to reflect on the times. In particular, I focused on the dominance that machines have over aspects as mundane as heating our food.
Have a listen here from sounds drawn from only my local surroundings:

Robotics and Electrical Desisgn:

  • MAE 3: As part of my continued interest in robotics in college, I participated in a mechanical engineering courses in which as a team of four, we designed (via CAD: in particular, AutoCAD and Fusion360) a robot to compete in a final competition for lifting boxes to high platforms. The higher the robot could place the boxes on these shelves, the greater our team's score. See our robot in a trial run here:
  • ECE 16: In wanting to better understand how to readily combine electrical design with code, I took a course in rapid prototyping that utilized arduino and a circuit board. As a team of two, we created for our final project a game controller and an upgraded view game. Check it out here:


Photography: I have always been surrounded by photography, particularly from my dad. Wanting to pursue it more, I got my first DSLR camera and took a course (VIS 60) in at UCSD. Check out some of my photos here:

Photo of flowers and fruit bowl on table with dark background.
Photo of shadow of flower on white wall.
Abtract photo of car headlight.
Self-portrait of Misha.
The last photo is a self-portrait of myself in a home-made costume made of only grocery store ads. (This was part of the assignment for the course, that it be "fantastic" in nature. That is where my mind then went.)


  • Check out a video from CAT2 I created here for my final project about the issue of racism (particularly in Uganda), drawn from a number of film clips and their audio samples. (Credits are provided at the end of the video.) Check it out here:
  • Even before college, I was eager to teach others the exciting topics in math and science that I was learning. Check out a video here from a physics with calculus course where I tried to simplify the underlying concepts of integration: