
This page is a place for current experiments and notes of mine: it is a place for me to try things out. As a result, not all features of this page be the most comprehensible; and some may still be works in progress. This page is a place to jot things down and see what happens. You can try playing around here, if you like, with any user interaction that may be enabled below.

Coding and Styles

            Here, I would like to jot down a few notes in regards to coding. For instance, one pain point that I often
            find when reading code is a difficulty in matching curly braces, such as based on indentation. I am 
            therefore often one of the proponents for the perhaps unfavorable approach of doing the following
            practice for code blocks:
               function myFunc()
            where the curly braces thus line up with each other. This, I believe, makes reading code noticeably easier,
            even if at the expense of an extra line.

            This too, I think gets at something fundamental: the code we write should be treated as being part of a
            maintainable system. That should therefore be prioritized over potentially stylizing of it, such as to
            fit things on one less line, for example. I am thus also a big proponent of using whitespace to make
            one's code more readable. 

Canvas Experimentation:

A canvas element to display the result of JavaScript drawing.

A canvas element is used here just above. It currently draws some sample text, including the logo of this site. In the future, however, this may be adapted to draw based on user input. Toward this end, for instance, a few circles are included below as buttons that may later be used to trigger/manipulate drawing here. They are as follows:

When the above buttons are implemented, this will serve as a place to provide instructions on how to use them to manipulate the canvas.